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Bathing days and spoiling offers for two
Bathing days
Bathing day „One day for me“ (Ein Tag für mich)
Day ticket for the bathing and wellness section Royal pharaohs‘ massage, back and legs (approx. 20 min.) Sibyllenbader Wohlfühlmenü (Sibyllenbad wellness set meal), optionally in different restaurants
Package price per person
69.00 €
Relaxation with volcanic power (Entspannung mit der Kraft des Vulkans)
Day ticket for bathing and wellness section
Sibyllenbad natural fango in the waterbed
Pleasant relaxation massage, back
Sibyllenbad “Wohlfühlmenü” (feelgood set menu), electively in different restaurants
Package price per person
91.00 €
Bathing day “Relaxation with the power of nature”(Badetag “Entspannung mit der Kraft der Natur)
Day ticket for bathing and wellness section
Stimulating forest peeling in a pleasantly warm water bed, approx. 20 minutes.
Deeply relaxing pine oil massage, back and legs, approx. 20 minutes.
Time is precious. Spend your time with a nice person. With our spoiling offers for two, you can also enjoy treatments together. Relax with a caring bath while your companion enjoys a pleasant massage right near. Our advice: a voucher for our spoiling offer for two as a gift. You do not only give away an unforgettable bathing day, but also an unforgettable time à deux.
Enjoy as a couple with all your senses (Zu zweit mit allen Sinnen genießen)
(total feel-good time approx. 70 min.)
Day ticket for bathing and wellness section
soothing stone pine oil bath in the Sibyllenbad sound tub
relaxing pine oil massage, back and legs
Price for two persons
141.50 €
New: Young (at heart) and beautiful for two – Jung(geblieben) und schön für Zwei
Day ticket for bathing and wellness section
skin tightening algae pack in a pleasantly warm water bed, approx. 20 minutes.
Ayurvedic oil massage, back or foot, approx. 30 minutes including resting period
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